Friday, September 9, 2011


It's hard to believe that summer is over.  Pumpkins and butternut squash are ripening in the garden, and will soon be roasting in my oven.  Still, I think fondly, with a wisp of nostalgia at how I spent this summer.
Here's the data.  This summer I:

read 29 books.
taught 90 summer reading classes.
canned 14 quarts of tomatoes.
drank 7 mojitos.
swam at the Quarry 1 time.
butchered 3 chickens.
ate 9 ears of corn on the cob.
co-starred in 3 episodes of Spatula, a new online cooking show.
On the set of "Spatula"

Please click over to Connotation Press to see the Spatula Cooking Show Teaser. Here you will find also find essays by myself and co-star Amanda explaining how we came to be friends, and how we were inspired to do a cooking show.  I am so grateful for the wonderful, creative foodie friends in my life, which is what Spatula is all about.  I hope you enjoy!


jana said...

This is awesome! I can't wait to watch the show once it's up and running. Off to watch the preview, I mean, work.

Diane said...

Well, this is pretty much the greatest thing ever!!